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2000 Calendar of Events


February 14 - Valentine's Day


February 24 - Sault Area Chamber of Commerce Annual Banquet
Guest Speaker is Bill Shepler from Mackinaw City. For more information, call the Chamber at 906 632-3301



March 8 - Ash Wednesday


March 17 - St. PAtrick's Day



April 7-9 - Chamber of Commerce Spring Show
This is a yearly event sponsored by the
Chamber of Commerce and is held at the L.S.S.U. Norris Center. This event draws over 3000 visitors and has over 75 merchants and displays as well as a craft show, demonstrations by local groups and food vendors. It is our start of summer. For more information, contact the Chamber office at 906 632-3301.


April 21 - Good Friday


April 23 - Easter Sunday


April - Lake Superior State University Commencement



May 14 - Mother's Day


May 29 - Memorial Day
Please remember our Veterans! Without their sacrifices, we would not be free.


May - 3nd Annual Model Hobby Kids Day
Presented by the Kinross Recreation Center and Pinnacle Hobby Shop, from 10-3 p.m. A day of free events such as modeling demos, a bike rodeo, contests, model rocket launches and r/c cars, boats and airplanes. For more information contact Jean Tubman at 906 632-9612.



June 21-23 - Professional Walleye Trail.
Qualifying Tournament. Contact Greg George at the Chamber of Commerce at 906 632-3301.


June - 6th Annual "Chamber Challenge" Golf Scramble
Contact the Chamber at 906 632-3301 for more information.


June - 4th Annual "Antiques On the Bay"
St. Ignace, Michigan. Contact 906 643-8087 for more informati


June - 24th Annual "Straits Area Antique Auto Show"
Located in St. Ignace, Michigan this Parade, Car Cruise, Swap Meet and Car Show is a mainstay in the Upper Peninsula. For more information call 906 643-8087.


June - Superior Concert Series
A free Concert in the Soo Locks Park. This week, featuring...


June 21 to July 5 - Soo Locks Festival


June - Superior Concert Series
A free Concert in the Soo Locks Park. This week, featuring...


June 30 - Soo Locks Engineer's Day
This is the only day of the year that you can cross the first lock and enter the Corp property. Every year the Army Corp of Engineers opens the secured portion of the Sault Locks to the public. This allows the average person access to the entire locks system.


June - Polka Festival
Held in Newberry, Michigan.


June 29 to July 4 - The Great Tug Boat Race
Events kick off with a Pancake Breakfast, followed by the races at noon. A Tug Boat Parade closes out the day from 6:00 to 6:30 p.m. along the Saint Mary's River and through the Soo Locks. For more information, contact Leann Marlow at 906 632-3641.


June - Superior Concert Series
A free Concert in the Soo Locks Park. This week, featuring...



July 1 - Canadian Independence Day
Fireworks over the St. Mary's River. Many other events are scheduled in the Canadian Sault during this weekend.


July 1 - International Bridge Walk
This is a once a year event where you can walk over the International Bridge which connects the twin Soo area. Walking begins at the L.S.S.U. Norris center parking lot and heads north. Contact the Chamber office for more information at 906 632-3301.


July 4 - Fourth of July Activities
Our annual Forth of July Parade is Sunday this year. The Parade begins at 7:00 p.m. with Fireworks to follow at dusk. Brady Park on Water Street has the best viewing area for the fireworks.  For more info on the Parade or the Fireworks, contact the Chamber of Commerce at
email or 632-3301.


July 4 - 4th of July Activities
A Celebration in Brimley, Michigan from 10:00 to 4:00 p.m. at the "Wheels of History museum.


July - Superior Concert Series
A free Concert in the Soo Locks Park. This week, featuring...


July - Superior Concert Series
A free Concert in the Soo Locks Park. This week, featuring...


July - Superior Concert Series
A free Concert in the Soo Locks Park. This week, featuring...


July - Superior Concert Series
A free Concert in the Soo Locks Park. This week, featuring...


July 29 - Kids Day
Held inside the Avery Square, this event is a day dedicated to kids. Visit
Balloons and More for more information.



August 1 - Summer Arts Festival
Held in conjunction with SummerFest & SideWalk Sales, this is a huge draw for the art buying public. Held annually in the Soo Locks Park, this event draws exhibitors from across the State For more information call Alberta House at 906 635-1312.


August 1-2 - SummerFest & Sidewalk Sales
An annual event sponsored by the Downtown Business Association, which brings bargains galore to the streets of Downtown. A general carnival atmosphere prevails as local food vendors, non-profit groups and arts and craft vendors line the street alongside the Downtown Merchants. Kids rides both inflatable and mechanical can be found mixed between musical groups and various displays.


August 4 - Superior Concert Series
A free Concert in the Soo Locks Park. This week, featuring...


August - U.S. Navy Ship Visit
The USS CLARK-FFG11 arrives at 4:00 p.m. and leaves on the 16th at 8:00 am. General public tours will be available. Large groups should call ahead for reservations. Contact the Chamber for more information at 906 632-3301.


August - Superior Concert Series
A free Concert in the Soo Locks Park. This week, featuring...


August - Superior Concert Series
A free Concert in the Soo Locks Park. This week, featuring...


August - Superior Concert Series
A free Concert in the Soo Locks Park. This week, featuring...


August 29 to September 6 - Chippewa County Fair
The Fair is held annually at the Chippewa County Fair Ground located in Kinross Michigan, 15 miles south of Sault Ste. Marie.



September 16 - Chamber of Commerce Annual Raffle
An area mainstay for many years, the event benefits the activities funded throughout out the year by the Chamber. A limited number of tickets are sold and includes a chance at many donated prizes, the Grand prize of $10,000 and dinner for two. Contact the Chamber at 906 632-3301 for more information.



October - Fall Festival
This event is in its 6th year running and is a combination of 'safe' Trick or Treating and a fall carnival. Downtown merchants and area businesses participate in providing a safe alternative to Halloween Trick-or-Treating. A family Carnival follows in Avery Square with games, a petting zoo, food and fun (lots of fun!).



November  - St. Mary's Church Bazaar
Located on Portage Street in Downtown Sault Ste. Marie. Contact Sadie Atkinson at 906 632-9853 for further information.


November 15-30 - Michigan Firearms Deer Season


November 24 - Christmas Parade of Lights and Community Tree Lighting
Each year, various families in the Sault area open their homes to the public. Tickets and information can be received by contacting the Red Cross at 906 632-8111.


November 25 - Happy Thanksgiving



December  - Red Cross Christmas Tour of Homes
A yearly event sponsored by the Downtown Business Association, this plethora of activities hovers around the Christmas season. Activities


December - Christmas Open House
A yearly event sponsored by the Downtown Business Association, this plethora of activities hovers around the Christmas season. Activities include Santa's Sensational Saturday where you might just spot Santa walking up and down Ashmun Street visiting the merchants; Family Frenzy Shopping Weekend; and our Christmas Open House.


December 31 - New Years Eve


2001 Calendar of Events



January 1 - Happy New Year


January - Great North American Snow Mobile Rally
Call the Sault area Chamber of Commerce for more information at 906 632-3301.


January  - Walleye Jamboree
Fishing at its' best in the Munuscong Bay, Pickford, Michigan.



February  - I-500 Snowmobile Race Time Trials
The Best Snowmobile
Race on the circuit!


February  - I-500 Snowmobile Race
The Best Snowmobile Race on the circuit!


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Copyright � 2000 Ojibway Hotel & Conference Center
Last modified: May 02, 2000