Quick, what words can you spell with "QMZYXL"? If you like this, you'll love our SUPER version!
Gem Drop
Drop the gems, don't let them drop you. If you like this, you'll love our SUPER version! |
Take out the building blocks in threes before they get to the top. If you like this, you'll love our SUPER version!
Candy Cruncher
How much candy can you crunch in this highly addictive game!
Mah Jong Solitaire
Same classic game with exciting new features!
The next Rubik's Cube? Looks simple, but it's difficult to win.
Don't blink: You've got time to make links, by playing Glinx!
Bounce Out
Bounce your way to victory with the balls of doom. If you like this, you'll love our SUPER version!