06:39 PM EST June 12, 2003
The Associated Press
WASHINGTONThe Christian Coalition and Sen. Charles Schumer have clashed in the past, but on this they agree: When it comes to spam, the devil is in the e-mails.
The New York Democrat enlisted the pillar of President Bush's conservative base to help promote a measure to establish a nationwide "Do Not Spam" registry like those used to avoid telemarketers' phone calls.
"This is probably a sight you never thought you'd see in your life," Schumer said Thursday at an appearance with Roberta Combs, president of the coalition, and Sen. Lindsey Graham, R-S.C., a co-sponsor of the bill.
Schumer said roughly 20 percent of spam is pornography, and a danger to Internet-surfing children.
"When an issue arises that we agree on, particularly to protect the family ... we all believe we should work together," said Schumer.
Combs agreed: "When it comes to the family, we can work with anyone."
Schumer took his campaign to the Christian airwaves Thursday, appearing on the coalition's "700 Club" program with the group's founder Pat Robertson.
Schumer and the 2-million member coalition have faced off over the Democrats' successful efforts to stall a handful of Bush's judicial appointments.
The spam bill would establish criminal penalties, including prison time, for spammers who repeatedly break the rules.
Graham said direct marketing companies with deep pockets have until now prevented useful anti-spam legislation.
"The way you beat people with money is you unite the right and the left," Graham said.
Combs hinted at future cooperation. "Maybe we can work with Senator Schumer on other issues."
The senator leaned over and said, "Amen!"
On the Net:
Christian Coalition: https://www.cc.org/
Schumer: https://schumer.senate.gov/