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Authorizenet Payment Gateway and Merchant Account Merchant account payment gateway for e-commerce credit card payment systems. Lowest set-up fees! FREE Shopping Cart.Setup in 5 days or less. Turnkey solution as low as $89.00. https://www.authorizeit.com (Bidded Listing)
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PaymentStuff- The Safe Choice Low cost terminals, printers, supplies, and free merchant services resources for businesses accepting credit cards, checks, and all forms of payment. https://www.paymentstuff.com (Bidded Listing)
1.49% Processing- EZ Qualifying 1.49% retail, 1.99 mail order, No minimums with free merchant account setup. Low cost equipment https://www.credit-card-processing.com (Bidded Listing)
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Merchant Account Directory provided by Business.com, the internet's B2B search engine and directory. https://rd.business.com/index.asp?bdcu=http%3A%2F%2Fwww%2Ebusiness%2Ecom%2F (Bidded Listing)
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Complete Credit Card Processing Systems Accept credit card payments today with our same day approval program and no fee application. Online businesses, retail merchants, mail order, home-based and startups are all welcome. https://cardmerchants.com/link/ (Bidded Listing)
Search Results Provided By FindWhat
CREDIT CARD PROCESSING - Free Quotes Here! Submit a quote request and receive free quotes directly from top local and national vendors by phone or e-mail. Compare Credit Card Processing prices and services and save with BuyerZone.com. https://www.buyerzone.com/traffic.jhtml?sourceid=1040054139314003161&path=finance/credit_merchants/q (Bidded Listing)
Authorizenet Payment Gateway and Merchant Account Merchant account payment gateway for e-commerce credit card payment systems. Lowest set-up fees! FREE Shopping Cart.Setup in 5 days or less. Turnkey solution as low as $89.00. https://www.authorizeit.com (Bidded Listing)
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Accept Credit Cards - Affordable Merchant Account Get an affordable merchant account from RevenueDepot.com and start accepting credit cards today. Over a 99% approval rate with an average turn around time of 24 hours. We will match anyones price! https://www.revenuedepot.com (Bidded Listing)
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Getting Incorporated Merchant Accounts Accept credit cards today with our merchant services. We maintain a 98% approval rate, excellent customer service, and a business friendly banking relationship! https://www.gettingincorporated.com/credit.php4?LID=4525791&LID=4526366 (Bidded Listing)