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1st Annual Run To the Border 10K / 5K Run Presented by the Sault Ste. Marie 1999 Soo Locks Festival Task Force Saturday, June 26th, 1999
STARTING TIMES: The 10K will start at 8:30am The 5K will start at 9:00am
Certificates to all runners, received at the end of the route. T-shirts for the first 100 participants will be included with a paid entry form received by June 20.
LOCATION: The Run to the Border will begin on Water Street behind the Ojibway Hotel & Conference. All parking for the event will be behind the Mole Hole, and behind Maloneys Alley bar.
CHECK IN: Registration and package pickup will be held at the Ojibway Hotel & Conference Center, on Friday June 25th from 5:00pm to 8:00pm and on race day from 6:00am to 8:00am. SHARP! No late entries will be accepted.
SAFETY The Run to the Border will not be a closed race. There will be slight traffic on the main route. Although we will have our safety patrol on hand, cars may be a factor. We ask that you take precaution when passing and not infringe upon vehicle traffic. The finish line will be closed by 12:00pm. All runners beginning by 9:00am should be able to finish within this time frame.
FACILITIES / AMENITIES: Bathrooms will be available at the starting line, compliments of the Ojibway Hotel & Conference Center. There will not be any port-O-Johns along the course. Please be prepared. Glens Market of Sault Ste. Marie will off a variety of fruits & post drink aids at the finish line.
HOST HOTELS: Ojibway Hotel Mention this race when making reservations. Best Western Mention this race when making reservations Ramada Inn Mention this race when making reservations
RESULTS: Race will be scored and posted on race day, providing accurate and timely race results. Official results will be posted at Host site. Awards will be given at the entertainment stage in the National City parking lot, at 1pm. If unable to attend, they will be mailed to your entry form address.
Entry form is non-re fundable. The first 100 registered runners receive an official T-shirt. Make checks payable to:
Lockside Festival C/O Maxine Anderson 313 Ashumun Street Sault Ste. Marie MI 49783
For further information: Call (906) 632-MAXX, or e-mail us at [email protected]
Last Name _____________________________ First Name __________________________ MI _______ Street Address ____________________________________ City/Town _______________ State ______ Phone _______________________ Email ______________ Sex __ F __ M D.O.B ________________ Event __ 5K __ 10K Shirt Size _______
In consideration of my participation in this event, I for myself, my heirs and administrators waive all right and claims for damages I may have against the Lockside Festival Committee, Sault Ste. Marie, Ojibway Hotel & Conference Center, or any other sponsors of this event. Any and all injuries suffered by me at said event, or which may arise from my traveling to or from the event, will be my sole responsibility. I further state that I am in proper physical conditions to complete this event.
Athlete Signature _________________________________ Date ____________________________ Parent: If Athlete is under 18 ________________________________________ Date ___________
Send mail to [email protected] with questions or comments about this web site.