Corporate Rate
Discover the benefits of becoming an active commercial customer. Save money and get more options with Ramada Ojibway Hotel. For business travelers looking for upscale accommodations, Ojibway Hotel and the Ramada Inn offer stylish accommodations in the top destination of Michigans Upper Pennisula.
Ready to do business together? Simply give us a call or fill out the form below to start the process. .
Save Money on Travel Expenses
We offer all the travel-essential amenities needed for a successful business trip and reduced hotel rates for corporate travelers.
An Upscale Brand that Means Business
Ojibway Hotel offers experiences tailored to the needs of the modern business traveler – with the opportunity to enjoy the little indulgences on every stay like stylish accommodations, free WiFi to stay connected, free Parking, full service restaurant and pub to keep you nourished all within walking distance of downtown Sault Ste. Marie and The Soo Locks.
Metting Space
The Ojibway has three separate banquet rooms; Osborn, Portage and MacArthur rooms, offering a combined total of over 2,000 square feet of open meeting space that is ideal for up to 150 guests. We offer in-house catering menus for breakfast, lunch, dinner, hors-d’oeuvres, and dessert. Audio, visual and other support equipment is available.
Ojibway Hotel makes corporate travel easy, effective and more satisfying for travelers. Please tells us more about your organization’s business travel needs.