Hotel History
Recognized as a historical landmark in Sault Ste. Marie, the Ojibway Hotel is a beautifully appointed hotel overlooking the Soo Locks. It first opened its doors for business on New Year’s Eve in 1927. Deemed to be Sault Ste. Marie’s finest building and one of the most beautiful hotels in all of Michigan, the Ojibway Hotel featured over 100 guestrooms, dining room, checkroom, barbershop and beauty parlor. Its Egyptian architectural design, décor, detailed amenities and exceptional service gained national interest and attracted many famous guests including Jack Dempsey, Joe Louis and more recently President George H.W. Bush in 1992.
It also gained notoriety as the National Headquarters for hay fever sufferers. Guests from around the world were attracted to the Sault area and the Ojibway Hotel by the clean, pollen free air blown in from Lake Superior. These guests soon formed a large social group call the CaChoo Club of American and would seek relief from their allergies in Sault Ste. Marie during late August and September. The club eventually disbanded after medication was developed for hay fever sufferers, enabling them to stay at home.
Today, the beautifully restored Ojibway Hotel continues to capture the hearts of its guests by blending its original splendor with amenities and services to meet the needs of today’s traveler.
Built at a cost of roughly $250,000 on property donated by Michigan’s only Upper Peninsula-born Governor, Chase Osborn, the buildings Egyptian-style exterior looks similar today as it did when it opened.